Introducing Dunster Winter Festival

SAVE THE DATE! Weekend of 7th & 8th December 2024

Gaynor Gough’s suggestion ‘Dunster Winter Festival’ has been chosen from almost 150 entries as the name of the event that will replace Dunster by Candlelight. After much deliberation, the Committee agreed it best reflected their plans for December 2024. Thank you to the school children, residents, and visitors who took the time to enter the competition.

Gaynor Gough is delighted with her prize of a gift voucher from the Dunster Living interior shop. Photo: Nina Dodd


Over the weekend of 6th to 8th December, the Dunster Winter Festival will carry on the traditions visitors love. Expect to see lanterns providing atmospheric lighting, some entertainment in the village, and the Castle and other venues open to the public as usual. This year, the Committee hopes to include craft workshops and storytelling – with more to be announced as details are finalised.

 With the name confirmed and the date set, the committee is focusing on raising essential financial support. As the event has brought thousands of visitors to the area over the past 40 years, it provides an important boost to the local economy and the chance to promote businesses of all types. It’s great that some funding has already been pledged. Any businesses and organisations interested in discussing how they might get involved should contact the team at

 One of the event’s objectives is to support the attractions that draw people to Dunster. This includes parks, gardens, historic buildings – and even the toilets! Like so many other villages in our area, local government funding has been reduced over recent years so any profits will offer a welcome financial boost to the charities and organisations that work tirelessly all year round to keep places open for everyone, from nearby and further afield.  

 Committee member David Noad says: “We had an incredible response from the local community – residents and traders alike – who want to support a new event. The name ‘Dunster Winter Festival’ best describes how the event has evolved, keeping the elements visitors love and adding new ones. There’ll be more ways to be involved too, from joining workshops to learn some of the skills of our talented local craftspeople to storytelling. The Committee and wider village are galvanised to ensure we put on a great weekend’s entertainment for our visitors. Now we need to raise the financial support needed to deliver an amazing event.”

 Keep up to date at

and the Festival Facebook page 


Press: Lucy Green Tel 07817 698366